Friday, August 1, 2014

Say goodbye to grease spots!

Hello again my friends! I can't believe it has been 5 months since I last posted. I am such a slacker....but really this summer has been cray cray! I have been wanting to get into a better habit of blogging...I know, I know I keep saying that, but I really mean it! Anyhow, I decided to sign up for NaBloPoMo this month and that means that I am supposed to blog EVERY DAY!!!! It's kinda scary, but I am going to do my best. I am getting today's blog in with only 1 1/2 hours to spare. Luckily. I took these pictures awhile back so I could blog my favorite grease stain remover. 

I don't know how it happens, but I always manage to get grease stains on my favorite shirts (maybe it's because I'm always dropping food on myself :)). In my journey towards making all of my laundry cleaning supplies, I stumbled upon this awesome recipe. The best part is that it even works on old stains that went through the dryer. I had a few shirts hanging in my closet that I couldn't bear to throw away and they were saved! YAY! So, I'm going to share with you today.

I only wore this shirt a couple times before I got the first grease spots on it, can you see them?

 My favorite thing about this recipe is that I can make it up whenever I need it, with things I always have around the house. You will need:

Baking Soda
Dawn dish soap

There are no real measurements just mix them up to make a nice paste.

Spoon some on the stain and scrub it in.
It doesn't have to sit, you can just throw it right in the washer. I hope you are able to salvage some of your favorite clothes with this grease remover. It's also a great stain remover. What's your favorite way to pretreat laundry? Let me know in the comments or comment and let me know if this worked for you.
Until tomorrow!

Friday, March 14, 2014

DIY Jelly Jar Soap Dispenser and face wash revisited

Happy PI Day!!!!! I am going to keep it short and simple today (or not). Maybe you remember (or maybe you don't) about the face cleansing cloths I posted about around a year and half ago. Check that post out because it is a finer example of my witty repartee writing skills and it talks about some of the awesome benefits of coconut oil. The cleansing cloths were awesome, but I have changed my process around and I thought I should share it with you. I actually changed my method last summer, but since that time all of my kids (heaven help me they're teens and tweens) have started using our face cleanser and their friends are so jealous of their dewy, sunkissed, acne free skin. Maybe it's just the acne free part. If you don't recall my previous method here is a quick picture tutorial of it:

The best Valentine's day EVER!

I am so excited about tomorrow. I REALLY love Valentine's day! I mean REALLY! What's not to love about a day that focuses on love. After all, Jesus spoke of love in the Bible several times. One of my favorite instances was in Matthew 22:34-40

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The Miraculous Allergy Cure!!!!

Hello again Blogosphere!!!! I know, I have been slacking again, but hey, it's spring now so I am feeling motivated again (finally) and of course I am also feeling stuffy. I live in the fantastic state of Georgia where a pollen count under 1000 is like a summer day without frizzy's just not in the cards for me. I have suffered with seasonal allergies for a while and I have tried several medications for them, but they either didn't work well or they didn't work well enough to justify the side effects. I've been doing a lot of internet research in the last year or so trying to stave off boredom adopt a healthier lifestyle and I stumbled across some interesting information. I have found a natural, effective and somewhat cost friendly way to heal my
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