"34 Hearing that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, the Pharisees got together. 35 One of them, an expert in the law, tested him with this question: 36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”
37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
In short, Jesus commanded us to love God and love people. So, today's post is about love and valentine's day.
I know that V day is really a commercial holiday designed to make you buy cards, candy and overpriced roses, but honestly, I think it could be so much more. Maybe you aren't in a relationship, but I know that there is someone out there who could use a gesture of love from you. It doesn't have to be anything big, maybe a kind word or a handmade card. Sadly, there are people out there who don't have someone to love them and/or they don't accept or understand the love that their heavenly Father has for them. I think that is why Jesus commanded us to love others so many times in the Bible. We are his ambassadors. We should make every day be valentine's day. So, whether you are in a relationship or not, I challenge you to show love to someone that needs it tomorrow. Let me know in the comments how God chooses to love through you.
Of course, there are those of you out there like me who have been married what seems like forever. I don't know about you, but for us V day isn't that special. I really don't expect much from Señor Caliente on February 14th. We don't have a ton of money to spend on frivolities and I would prefer random acts of romance throughout the year over a grand gesture on one special day. Besides, it only took me 12 years to convince him that while roses are pretty, tulips are my absolute favorite.
These are some tulips that he got me a couple of weeks ago when I sent him to the store for toilet paper. I just love random acts of romance!
Don't get me wrong, we do "observe" Valentine's day, usually we go on a date around that time or we give each other a card, but that's about it. I'm actually going to do something out of character for him this year though. I'm getting him a present. You may remember a post I wrote a while back about marriage and how I had stumbled on another blogger's post called 29 days to great sex. It really changed my vision of my husband and my marriage and showed me that perhaps my priorities needed to be rearranged. Well, I am excited to announce that the author of that blog has really vamped up the series and made it into an ebook for couples to work on together and you may have noticed the link in the sidebar for it (31 days to great sex). The best part is that it's totally in my budget! It only costs 5 bucks. I am pretty sure my hubby is going to love it! You know why? Because married sex is the best sex and what man doesn't want more sex? Guess what? I am going to love it too, because the book isn't all about sex or having sex every day. It's about focusing on your intimate life with your spouse so that you can have the close relationship that God intended. It also offers a few tips on how to spice things up a bit! It's about showing your husband love in the way that makes him really feel loved, so that he will also be able to love you in a better way. When I first read the 29 days posts, I saw a difference in our relationship. I actually discovered the posts in September which was about 6 months after they were written and while they were written to be done a day at a time I finished reading them in about 5 days and tried to put them into practice. I saw changes in not only myself, but also in my husband and he didn't even know what I was doing! I also, saw God working on him through my love. I have prayed for him for years, because although he professes to be a Christian, I know that he doesn't have a deep relationship with Christ and can't accept Christ's love because he doesn't feel lovable. By showing him love through intimacy, he has been able to open himself up to the need of a relationship with God and I have seen him changing before my eyes. So this series was really an answer to 12 years of prayers for him. I have to admit that since I first read the posts, I have fallen out of the mindset, so I am so excited to get the ebook and work through it together. So now, my challenge for all of you married couples out there is to get the ebook and study it with us. Here is a link to purchase the book:
Because I believe in full disclosure, It's only fair that I let you know that while I am truly excited about purchasing this book and working through it with my man, I do receive a couple of dollars for each one of you that purchases this book. The author is very generous and is splitting the proceeds of any of her products that are purchased through my blog. She is a fantastic author who really has a heart for God and for married couples, so I urge you to take a look at all of her products. I would also like to let you know that this ebook is great for old married couples like me and my husband or for newlyweds, so If you know anyone who is getting married or has just gotten married, this would be a great inexpensive gift. Please feel free to comment below if you are going to try this along with me. I will try to post a couple of times about how my relationship is changing throughout the next 31 days and I look forward to hearing about any changes in yours.
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